MonKEY is an extraordinary resin-casted multi-shot series of keycaps, designed to bring a burst of creativity to mechanical keyboards. Its vibrant and translucent layers, achieved through multi-shot casting, create a visually stunning and playful aesthetic.

MonKEYs are inspired in a world of science fiction apes whom intelligence has given them the ability of experiment and create with new lifeforms.


Producing a resin-casted multi-shot keycap involves crafting a master mold, injecting different colored resins in stages, and allowing each layer to partially set for a visually dynamic effect. After curing, the keycap is demolded to reveal a unique combination of vibrant and full colored layers. Finishing touches, including polishing and detailing, enhance its appearance, resulting in a one-of-a-kind, visually captivating keycap that adds a creative and personalized touch to mechanical keyboards, appealing to enthusiasts seeking a distinctive aesthetic.


ROBOTO Encapsulated Keycap


Space Vikings